What is Aarohi based on?


Are we based on Sudbury, Monetssory or progressive or KFI or………….? No, we are not;

So what are we based on? Simple answer is “CHILD”. And what makes us follow the child – the answer is simple, that each child is ABLE, “I am able”.

All we learn from any philosophy is about children and learning. And child isn’t determined by any philosophy. Our knowledge of various philosophy and experience helps us to understand each child. We don’t need to fit a child into a philosophy.

We need a space that builds itself around the child. Aarohi, is not a way, or a method or an approach. It is a space, an environment, an acceptance, a belief, a soil for the child to grow and glow.

Here isAarohi Compared to Montessori, Waldorf, Progressive, HomeSchooling and traditional Education Systems.http://aarohilife.org/content/aarohi-compared-other-systems

Thoughts open for discussion
