Plastic Segregation


At campus we try to minimize the usage of plastic – all grocery bought in bags/boxes. We do not accept any plastic bags. Buy local rusk, snacks. Still we do generate some plastic waste specially from biscuit packets, chips packets etc.

By turn we sort plastic. One child who was separating plastic suggested, “Wash your plastic wrappers and then throw in the dustbin because it feel yucky when i am sorting”. He called all of us and showed how we have mixed plastic, hairs, papers and metal waste.

He also made one punching bag with waste plastic – the bag got torn in two days and he had to collect all the platic again:), but some kids really loved him for his idea and installing punching bag.

Later he made a pillow and made me to stitch it PROPERLY this time.Next week another child made pillow for kittens … the work continues.
